How to Harness the Devil Lust

How to Control the World Lust | Liver disease control lust is a tendency of the soul to something whether it be good or evil. every verse of the qur'an which mentions about lust is always in the form of disapproval in addition to reminding us not to follow and tend to him. similarly with prophetic traditions when it comes to lust always say it as blameworthy thing. except in some traditions such as the prophet's sayings sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam "It is not faith in any one of you so that his desires are subject to what I brought. lust adl god except allah the worst. the prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam said in heaven there is no god who is worshiped that lbh great in god's eyes apart from the passions that followed. because the passions of the human spirit to change much either so bad from the fair so zhalim of monotheism so shirk from so crooked and straight from the sunnah so heretical, therefore, the experts called heresy servant with lust. so have you ever seen anyone who makes his desires as his god, and god let astray by his knowledge and allah has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put a cover on his sight? then who will give him a clue that after god. so why do not you take lessons? explain to me about the person who makes his desires as his god. So if you can make of it? or do you think that most of them hear or understand. they are nothing but as cattle lbh even perverted way. "In the qur'an Allah Ta'ala sometimes likened experts heresy and who always indulge their desires with a donkey or a dog with cattle. parable evil people - people who reject our signs and told them they themselves do injustice,...

Allah commanded His Messenger through the book and the oral law that we determine among men justly. In addition to warning us not to follow the passions with which tends to one odds are not true. people who believe in you to be a distinguished person - true justice enforcement witness Because god alone, even against yourselves or mother father and kin. If he is rich or poor, god knows kemaslahatannya lbh then you must not follow their passion krn want to deviate from the truth. and if you distort or decline to do justice verily Allah adl-acquainted with all that ye do. god tells us that following passions would mislead someone of his ways. "Hi david, indeed We have made you inheritors of the earth, then give a decision on between people with justice and do not follow the passions and he will lead you astray from the way of allah. then allah explains denouement straggler from His way with his word surely those who go astray from the way of allah will receive a heavy punishment because they forgot the day of reckoning has been specified,...

In the book of Ibn al-qayyim said verily lust a ban that surrounded him around Hell. If anyone falls into lust then he got into fire jahannam. mentioned in shahihain that apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said. paradise is surrounded with the things you hated and hell was surrounded with a variety of lust. hadith marfu' of abu hurairah narrated when god created the heaven He sent gabriel. god said, look over there and see what I have prepared for the residents, lusts against the slave gave birth to a body force in the liver and verbal. some of the salaf said. seople who can beat lbh strong desires of the people who conquer a city with a self. in the hadeeth mentioned it's not a strong passer who wins in wrestling but strong passer adl people who can master his desires when he was angry. always remember to keep god in every step of the passions, passions that arise every good / bad, the devil will put temptation in that desire, to desire is certainly ugly vicious put temptation directly. as for the good wishes helped deflect demons run out of that desire, for example there are people who do good intentions, the devil whispers you try to donate later it admired, especially when time gives published. If the person following the promptings of the devil, to be seen of the charity not because god alone, but every charity should be done only for allah's sake,...

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